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Best SEO ServicesSEO Web Development

Search engine optimisation (SEO) requires coding - we have years of experience in HTML coding - which is primarily what the Google algorithm uses to analyse your website and rank you in the search engine results.

HTML coding is not as widely practiced as it was in the early years of the internet, since website editors have made it much easier and quicker to produce websites. Nonetheless HTML is still the foundation of all websites, and it is what Google reads and interprets to determine your ranking.

Knowing the factors which affect ranking and using best coding practices will increase your ratings in search results. Alternately poor coding, coding errors and lack of specific code will impact negatively on your search ranking.

Structuring for SEO

There are ways to structure your content and website which will improve your search engine optimisation, increasing your ranking. However having good content is essential, as the saying goes "Content is King."
SEO development may require making small changes to your code and adding code, or restructuring your website if it can't be read by Google.
If your website can't be read, it won't be ranked and won't appear in search results.

Google Certified

We are a Google certified SEO business - the certification is available on request.

Contact Us

Contact us for SEO development, HTML coding and related services

Algorhythm SEO Services is based in Johannesburg, South Africa (SA). We offer SEO services throughout South Africa - Gauteng, Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban and elsewhere.

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